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Taraftar SivasSpor Taraftarı hakkında yorumlar

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Fifa'ya Mesaj
Alt 11.05.2008, 08:17   #1
dostol - Ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
Üyelik Tarihi: 03.08.2005
Yaş: 29
Mesajlar: 448
Thanks: 2
11 Mesajına 14 Kez Teşekkür Edildi.
Tecrübe Puanı: 0 dostol ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt
Ausrufezeichen Fifa'ya Mesaj

Ben, bir sivasspor taraftari olarak Fifa'ya mesaj attim.

Attigim mesaj su:

Dear whom it may concern,

Even though Sivasspor has had a very good season, they ended up 4th when they're supposed to be 3rd. Sivasspor has equal points as 2nd Fenerbahce and 3rd Besiktas, Sivasspor's goal average is higher than Besiktas, but some how Sivasspor ended up 4th. Even on it says sivasspor is 3rd but not the turkish websites. Last week, the things were the same, but this week the leauge's authorities have put in a last minute rule to make Besiktas 3rd.

I would like this unfairness to be fixed, and I also want some information about my concern.


Sizde ayni mesaj'i atabilirsiniz.
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