27.01.2009, 22:55
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Üyelik Tarihi: 03.08.2005
Mesajlar: 257
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Irkçı Tezahürata Tepkisiz Kalma !
Galatasaray taraftarlarindan futbolcumuz Pini Balili`ye yapılan ırkçı tezahüratı ve küfürü SivasSpor.Com ailesi ve Sivasspor Taraftarları olarak şiddetle ve neftetle kınıyoruz.
NTV Spor'da eski TFF Başkanı Bıçakçı üzülerek dile getiriyor; UEFA'da hep övünerek bir bizde ırkçılık yok derdik, Balili'ye karşı yapılanlar bizi zor durumda bırakabilir!
Türkiye'de bir futbol takımının taraftarı resmen ırkçılık yapmıştır, hem bu ülkede hem UEFA nezdinde en ağır şekilde bu cezasını görmelidir.
İngilizce mail örneği;
Dear UEFA Officials,
I am a football lover in Turkey and I appriciate your efforts to improve the quality and the nature of the game.
Some of you might remember, as Sivasspor fans we sent you complaints lately about the way Turkish football managed by the Federation and the Referee Committee. The rules and procedures are practised differently to some teams than others.
One of those teams, Galatasaray, which we believe protected by the Federation and Referees, played a Cup match against Sivasspor on its home ground on 27th January 2009. Sivasspor's Jewish Player Pini Felix Balili was the target of the most racist slogans during the match. Those slogans lasted for more than 2 minutes and were performed by the whole stadium. One example to those slogans were:
"Down with Israil, Son of a b.i.t.c.h Balili"
The regulation for Turkish Football Federation says "if the slogan consists of a racism, the club will be punished by playing its next match without fans".
Witnessing so many double-standarts in Turkish Football lately, we do not have any belief in that our local Football Federation will do what is stated in the regulation. An update to prove our worries, was Turkey's ex-director of Football Federation's (Levent Bıçakçı) speech on NTVSpor, a local Sports channel. The speech was something like "this is the most sensitive topic for UEFA and it may cause serious trouble, so the media should not mention it very often".
Knowing that UEFA is totally against Racism, we do hope you will take this e-mail into consideration and do the follow-up and see if the necessary actions are taken against racism bu Turkish Football Federation.
Best Regards
İsminizi yazınız
Tel: +41 (0) 848 00 2727
Fax: +41 (0) 848 01 2727
Email: info@uefa.com
Bu maili sonuna ismimizi yazarak Uefa ve Fifa ya Gonderelim..Tepkimizi Ortaya Koyalim...Duyarli Sporseverlere....
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